:Saturday, February 19, 2005:
well, my photos sync failed. duno why. Anyway, i'll be back posting tml. i'll solve the problem and I'll post all the photos tml..
A lot happened today. i'm just too tired... :)
The reversehaven spoke at 4:28 PM
School.. again....
:Friday, February 18, 2005:
feeling:sucky.. headache...
pon-ned physics.. talked with henry, sam, varun and bing ren. sian.. totally siannnn... ok... then after that, i went to cafe..

Benson-burner... lol.. duno how come I thought of that..

Aha! Mr HEE! but wait! look!

see how many girls are surrounding him? En Hua.... how can liddat...

We went for GP. While waiting for Mr goon... ehh.. lookie! alvin and huixian.. err.. okay larh.. they were closer up, but we din manage to capture them.. haha... no la.. they watching MTV on LLY's HP la.. wat u thinking?! lol

but Mr Goon was LAAAATTTEEE!! lol.. but somehow, it ended up becoming Fiona and Varun's fault.. hahaa.. Mr goon's so goon.. lol.. Hmm.. He kinda reminds me of Inspector goon from this storybook series. Kind of like the kind of 'kids gang' storybook, where some kids form a club of their own and stumble on some clue. Kind of like hte Secret seven books. Then this book has an 'inspector goon' who will keep going 'clear orf, I say, clear orf!' at the kids.. hahaa! funny..

there you have Mr Hee.. still not enough of girls.. arghs.!

WHAT?! AH BAO OSO AR?! lol..
well, after that was civics. I wanted to skip, but my civics tutor wanted to meet us or sth after that.. so I couldn't get away with skipping. then the 'dialogue session' with MR koh the principal was totally sianx.. Was playing wif my palm or sleeping half the time. By this time, my migraine was totally unbearable... Then Mr Koh was like, "now dialogue time. I thought one student wanted to bombard me with questions?" (crap.... judging from what he said, I was burning to jump up and bombard him with rebuttals, putting him into a spot.) well, he dismissed the 'rumours about the NIE thing'. fine. It was on the newspaper. give me a chance i'll smack the article in his face...
well, I learned 3 things in JJ. how to sleep standing up (immediately achieved when the principal Mr koh talks to us while we stand.)how to pon lecture(hahaa.. ) and how to J-walk.. hehee.. I got a pic of JJ students Jaywalking.. i'll post it next time.. haha..
The reversehaven spoke at 3:55 PM
:Thursday, February 17, 2005:
YAY! finally got the pics up and running liao. Here are the pics i took in the past few days.. Quite jumbled, the order, huh?

(today) LLY! stop drinking your cafe latte and reading your xxx magazines larh..

(val day) Mr Phang giving us a lesson on air resistance. He let us off early later on :)


(civics class) some boring thing... "if you are not interested in NE, we shall not tolerate...."(come on... do someting else besides this lame project can?)

Samuel ponned school yesterday. Thats why so happy larh! skipped the log- carrying PC lesson.. GRRR!!


Heee... took a pic of xiao ji ji when he was daydreaming...

(today-gp skills module) ms ng... the very thing that makes her lesson sux...

(tues-econs tutorial) aha! finally get to understand that econs is common sense.. No, actually econs is stupid things made to sound intelligent and cheem.. worhs..!

LLY slping in class.. But judging from his smile.. hmm I wonder what he's dreaming of.... (probably his ger).. sorry larh.. lonely valday...

Henry hardworking siahhh!

ahha.. Jiji, LLY, me, Henry and Bing Ren pon-ned chinese lesoon.. Haha.. now my turn to virgin pon.. AFter all, this is about the first class in my life i pon-ned just like that.. Woah.. i really learnt how to pon when i come to JJ..

Who is that Shuai Ge?

(today) doing the banner.... for love fiesta...

Who is that SHUAI GE wearing NCC uniform?! (monday after Games session... tiredd... thankfully Yaojun lent me his extra attire.. otherwise i got to pon lerh.. sighs.. anyway, lonely valday.. haixx)

WHAT?! COFFEE?! why u put flour into it?! (coffee frm cafe connection... today)

WHO IS THAT SHUAI GE IN NCC UNIFORM?! (haha.. thanks again, yaojun, for your 'limited ed' t-shirt... haha)
Sighs.. love fiesta coupons we are forced to sell a minimum of $20... or else we are supposed to buy the rest after we sold until at least $20..... man! i'm gonna revolt. You can't force me. I'm not going to buy a single coupon unless I see fit to. I'm going to bring only enough money for the day from today forth, so they CAN'T force me to buy. NO WAYYY!!!!
today went to cafe to do the banner. I bought coffee(there you go..) bitter like hell. THen when i tried to add sugar and creamer... yux.. there u have it.. the result (up there..) Well, then I saw henry so hardworking, so I did hw wif him lorhz... until now, i've utilised all my break times to do hw. i've never done a single piece of hw at home.... err.. except the eng portfolio larh. That was different.
Wel, I pon-ned chinese for the first time today.. HAHA! I din hv to do ting xie... Wasn't forced to sing that stupid song.. haa! but we are supposed to be able to sing the whole song by mon. and its a new song. WAT THE HECK! even eng song i won't learn the lyrics THAT fast (by singing once or twice). Let alone chinese. ARGHS! toopid. Well, the only thing i'll probably learn after once or twice is music. Alto parts, tenor parts, bass parts, blah blah.. music.
harghs.. Keenie.. you alive.. ? why I talk to u on MSN u nv reply de? KEENIE??!! HELLO>???!!
The reversehaven spoke at 3:02 PM
:Wednesday, February 16, 2005:
Whoa.. I hate school. I hate homework. Arghs... and my mum wun let me pon sch.. ARGHS! toopid...
Well, today was the most packed of all. Surprisingly, I absorbed the most during econs lecture for the first time. econs is pretty common sense, really. I hate the part when economists try to sound pro and put in all that cheem words to confuse us. Heck!
physics lecture was a total bore. The teacher was going thro all the 'duh' and 'der' stuff. Man! if you wanna slow down for those who had never taken pure phy, WHY DON'T YOU JUS SPLIT CLASSES!! (HECK! those of us who had taken pure were practically sleeping theree..)
Civics was very propoganda.. hmm. how lame can we get. Hello? we are people with enormous intelligent capabilities.. some dumb project like that never ceases to bore us to bits.! heck.
PC today was heung... run 3 rounds for warmup. WTH! then was the army-style log carrying. went one round of the track, one round up the grandstand, whoa... was heung..
Well, i'm home.. stil hv to do chinese newspaper cutting (in which I probably would write perpetual crap..) and that english portfolio. WTH... I can't stand JC life already... I can't wait to go off.. but there again.. there are some things I still can't let go of.. arghs! i've another week to go.
What will be my score for O lvls?
Will it surpass my inferiors? will I surpass my superiors?
uncertain is the path that lies ahead.
The reversehaven spoke at 9:01 AM
:Tuesday, February 15, 2005:
feeling: lovesick...
Well, din get to see her at all today.. duno leh.. its either she avoid me or i suay lorh... haix...
Sometimes I wish i don't get lovesickness. its a disease that really hurts. If I could have it my way, i'd rather I not love till I meet the wife i'm destined to marry. Hmm. but its virtually impossible for a human, ya? since each and every human has an inbuilt pangs of love (desire to love and be loved.).
Phy period was totally slack. Well, Mr Phang was flexible enough to be able to alter the lesson according to our concentration levels, and he caught my attention again with that little brain teaser which involved things which I read in the theory of relativity. like throwing up something in the bus, air resistance causing that thing to fall back down in the same position relative to the moving bus.
Chinese period was totally wacky. Me SQ and IZ were writing essay on this cartoon picture, which represented the good and bad of Singapore. For the first time in my life, ShunQuan was actually asking me how to write certain words.. whao! Hmm I must admit if not for Isaac, I wouldn't have been able to put across much of my phrasing.. Man, I HATE chinese. Sometimes, studying Chinese along with English is disastrous. Unless you are a talented linguist, you would probably be good in either at best. (you can count lydia as a talented linguist.) The guys from IZ and SQ's class were like, "hand the DICT over" and they made 'DICT' sound like 'dick'... lol... Well, throughout, i was thinking in english, then translating to chinese. Perhaps a sentance or two might have ended up being direct translations. but my entire essay was crap. Instead of portraying my feelings about the cartoon, i ended up elaborating the good and bad like an expository.. harghs!
Math was ok. As usual, draggin myself along. Well, I was playing ard with the bluetooth stuff when a loud beep came from my palm. Flustered, I switched it off, but it still caught the attention of the gals ard me. Harghs!. THe gal in front of me was like, "huh? wat went on?" then she tried to borrow my palm to see (nv see before.. suaku...) otherwise, AP and GP was really getting me on the neck.. harghs!
whoa.. if not for Yao Jun, i'd probably die for PC.. thank God he was there to lend me his extra PE attire.. haaa!!! NCC limited ed shirt somemore.. (siaox..) show you all the pic when I get my photoblog up.. My stamina totally snapped. I expended 100% of my energy there. I totally was flat out after that. Woah.. that reminds me of the Naruto I watched just now. Expending too much chakra for a jutsu (hahaa!).. and Naruto's such a loser-he could only summon a tadpole. Then he was so happy at the end cuz his 'tadpole' grew two hind legs. But I suspect its because Jiraya-sama din tell him that his tadpole had to take time to grow into a normal frog.. haha!
flat out liaox.. Anyway still have to do my portfolio.. Duno how to substantiate with research.. die liao.. only 1 day left. Still got to do math, still got to do chinese newspaper cutting. ARGH! toopid.! I feel like 'pon-ning'!!!
The reversehaven spoke at 4:48 PM
watashi wa....... omoideni wa naranaraisha
:Monday, February 14, 2005:
Haixx. i'm such a loser.. Tml valentine's day... i only know it today.. Hmm.. Din really go out to get something for her.. but at least, i got something for her.. Well, Now quite shy.. duno how to giv to her lehh.. haixxx... and I oso scared the resta the OG see and start teasing me n her about it... arghs... siaox..
haix. still hvn do chinese hw.. I really asking for a beating siahh.... sighs.. duno how to do lehhzz.. hmm... stil hv econs hw to do.. arghs.. thank goodness that the end of the PAE is coming... I don't think I can keep up with this very much longer...
well, my pic from the shooting club.. there's my first scorecard. Actualy, its only the best.. so the rest were like sh*t.. there's isaac in the second pic..

Isaac pro siaaa
The reversehaven spoke at 12:22 AM
:Sunday, February 13, 2005:
I've finally shifted my blog... Well, couldn't bring all the posts over.. so sad.. so this is essentially my first post here...
Anyway, i had to shift because of this childish anonymous tagger who spastically finds so much kick in posting offensive comments in everyones' name.
anyway, when i have the time, I'll go redo that blog without the tagboard, so that you all can go view the archives in peace..
I'll probably want to redo the skin for this blog.. Any suggestions? by the way, there's a 'comments' section below the poost. You see the thing that says '0 kunai(s)' ? yeps. click that and you can post comments.
sorry for the inconvenience tho...
The reversehaven spoke at 2:53 PM