:Thursday, May 17, 2007:
The wiser side of me will keep silent, and bite back words that will ill be appreciated; For the counsel of many fools is wiser than the will of one.
Clearly, things are not going in the right direction, but espirit de corp remains a hopeless ideal, the utopia of organisations. While some might get a glimpse of it, many fall short of it by tons.
Where there are humans, there is dispute, there is politics. Where there is politics, there is chaos, there is disagreement, there is backbiting, backstabbing, and much organisational inefficiencies. Where there is such, simply put the organisation won't function as properly or as efficiently as one would have it. However, without politics, no management can survive. Without politics, there is no determining whether the sun or moon should rule the day. Is mankind doomed to eternal struggle, eternal political strife?
But of course, the wise would choose to hold their tongue. For the counsel of many men is definitely wiser than one. But will the counsel of many fools be wiser than one?
When the mind is weak, will the body therefore be truly strong? even if the body has brawns and all, if the mind is weak, the whole body falters easily under the pressure in battle. For if the General is foolish, even though his lieutenants are wise, the battle is surely lost. Sad that such a general should be appointed.
What shall one do in the face of such circumstance? when such injustice is committed, such injustice to organisational management, such injustice to the organisation's governance? What shall one do when the rights of some are more equal than that of others? what can one do to push for the right to happen?
Yet to push for political change is to stick out your head for the gallows. Yet for all could fight for, little will be achieved. Yet for the counsel of fools, none will listen to you. Why speakest forth thou?
Nay but I shall hold my tongue.
The reversehaven spoke at 2:07 PM