:Monday, April 09, 2007:
perfect isn't it?
some people in this world just love to slander others. While in that same line they fail to look at themselves. However the most sickening thing is that being the hypocrites they are, they identify themselves with some reputable religion/organisation/some other thing to make themselves look noble; in that same line tarnishing it.
The worst thing anyone can do on his/her own blog, is to mention someone by name on the blog, and then slander that person down to the ground, where the person himself/herself has a right to defence, however in this case since it was written on a blog, the person has no chance to defend himself/herself and explain the situation to the reader. Sadly speaking more often than not, people get the wrong idea of what really happened, but too late. The damage has already been done. Even if that person tries to put it up on his/her own blog (assuming he/she has one) to explain the situation and defend himself/herself, it will be looked upon as an attempt to gain back whatever reputation was lost.
it is not only unethical, but malicious as well to mislead the readers on your blog about a situation by posting opinions (i.e. "ronald got angry. dono why angry. lame rite?") without suitable explainations, without giving the reader the full view of the situation as to what events culminated in what result and therefore what who was feeling and why. What who did to show that he/she felt that way and what was the reaction of someone else, and therefore that person posesses a certain trait(such as, "ronald is very inconsiderate/irresponsible").
what's most undesirable, compounded onto the fact that the abovementioned person doesn't have a chance to defence, is that only your side of the story is heard. However that side is doubly biased, because not all events were properly fully mentioned, and your own faults were not mentioned either.
all of such people who make such malicious posts (especially since they mention names) are undoubtedly selfish, malicious, slanderous, and inconsiderate. Not without mentioning, cowardly, becasue by blogging (and in that sense fighting on their own home grounds) they have shyed away from bringing the matter to light, where both sides of the story can be heard, and everyone can be a fair judge. Of course i need not mention that their intentions are evil, but you, the reader can do your part. Frown upon them. blog against them. STOP THEM. and if you are one yourself, you need to do some soul-searching.
This blog entry is a response to the blog entry dated Friday,
April 06, 2007 on this blog
I must mention, however that i have no personal grudge against this person, neither am i blogging because i'm the person mentioned in the blog. However, i blog defensively to protect the legitimate rights of the person mentioned/slandered against character assasination(which is in effect the slander and undermining of his/her reputation).
All ye who read this please join in my effort and frown in on this blogger (whether or not you know him/her) or exert some peer pressure. If you don't know this person you can always just leave an anonymous tag on the tagboard.
The reversehaven spoke at 12:06 PM