Divine math.
:Tuesday, July 05, 2005:
Well, in JJ first three mths, I saw someone wearing this t-shirt.. and on it was an addition formula...
1 cross + 3 nails = 4given.
by the blood of Christ we are forgiven.
infinity-the largest possible real number=infinity
What CHrist has done on the cross for us, we finite man cannot ever repay. it's an eternal debt.
lim (Christian service) =fruitful service
(explaination... as self tends to Christ, Christian service tends toward fruitful service) the more Christ-centered you are, the more fruitful your service will be.
The reversehaven spoke at 11:50 PM
Lotsa stuff to talk abou
Sorry I missed blogging the other days. so many things missed. ARchery.. well, I managed to get my grouping shots already. There was one, I had two arrows almost hitting each other .I think they call that a PK or something.. I call that a robin hood splinter. Well, there's one pic in the SP archery webbie (www.sparchery.multiply.com) which shows a PK shot. haha.
well, I guess i'm going to try to let it go. Yeah. you all know what i'm talking about. It's getting in the way of everything. so well, I guess I have to let it go. all the while, I suppose God has shown me i'ts not his will. but well, I was too stubborn to accept. Well, I shall hold God at his promise (His promise never fails) that he'll get first best for me. Why am I still holding on to second best (the current person I like) when God will eventually give me first best?
Hm. nothing much. mechanics test tomorrow. I'm so going to die. Didn't prepare, no mood to either. Monday's engineering math was totally....... siao. I don't have any idea how i'm going to have to squeeze out the extra time to study. i didn't manage to today, and i'm not going to be able to the next few days. help. For the first time I couldn't sleep in math class, but neither could I understnad the stuff either. ARGH.
The reversehaven spoke at 10:26 PM