that stupid portable hdd again...
:Saturday, March 12, 2005:
well, my dad decided to scan that stupid portable hdd again.. what can I say... so its gonna take a few months... damn.. that posts.. until he finishes the scan..
sorry guys...
The reversehaven spoke at 2:16 PM
haa... IT show.. Heee...
:Friday, March 11, 2005:

played badminton with En Hua in school... Got trashed by both Fiona and some ohter guy who keeps smashing.. Well, the only fun part was dropping that other guy, because he would say the four letter word each time I dropped him.

I played two matches with him, and i lost both. first was 10-15, second was 2-15. But I hate him. He's such a geek... Come on la.. win ppl also must be good winner. He won me and he went like 'next BETTER player?' like he's the best player in the world... nothing to say.. peeps don't be like him... or i'm gonna hate you too...

While En Hua went to treat Grandma n Grandpa to seoul garden (because he got 9 pts, and they were there when he said "i'll treat you all to seoul garden if I get less than 10 pts") ok...... sigh.. too bad I wasn't there then -,-"

Was waiting for Leung yu to turn up... Waiting.. because we were supposed to go to the IT show @ suntec expo...

leung yu..... where are you...

nope.. still no sign of him...
*waited for half an hour before he finally arrived.. haa!*

reached there liaox.. I started taking lotsa pics of scenery..

Suntec city mall.. whee... wonder what we'll see @ the sale..?

LLY hadn't had lunch yet.. so we walked ard the whole place looking for the foodcourt...well, this is the place SwissWinds performed under the baton of Mr Chew, my mentor.. Memories...

hee! got to the foodcourt.. and guess what? Gundam Seed was showing on TVmobile.. Its an ep somewhere near the middle.. well, you can say I watched gundam seed on a rather immobile TVmobile :P

Ate a second lunch.. I ate chicken chop in school.. Fresh from the stove.... but here's some mee soto.. heee.. hungry..

after eating, wandered all over the place.. we're.. what?! at carrefour? now where's the sale.. leung yu....!!!

nice scenery,

nice, tall skyscrapers.....

nice cars.....

nice chocolates... okay.. i'm starting to tire of this.. wHERE's MY IT SHOW?!!!!

ok.. walking there... hmm...

well, hi-life does not suit a lowlife like me... ok.. whatever.. I still hate hi life..

reachhinnngggg (nice artistic pic, huh? nice architecture too.. )

yay! here we are.. here's a transparent CPU cover.. cool

Xbox!!! abit blurry tho...

nv see before right? videophones..

haa.. cam marine kits.. we saw this the last time when we were at Saipan.. then we were going thro this aquanaut tour underwater.. then the guy used this marine kit to take pics of us underwater...

okay.. guess we're leaving.. after collectin a stack of brochures.. nice architechture..(for zuyi... archi-torture...)

haa! all the airforce posters.. there are three...
red-air defence artillery
blue-combat pilots
well, reminded me of my dream of piloting.. however distant.. well, of course, blue is my favourite.. My dream is to soar the skies, do tight turns... man.. my childhood dreams revived.. haaa
well, checked out prices of many things there.. esp SD and MMC cards.. If you guys are thinking of buying, the cheapest for both there is $135 for 1gb...
BAck to my reflective mood... Well, I kinda regret not having taken care of my eyes.. Now nosepad prints are forming on my nosebridge.. this is bad because even if I manage to get some surgery or something to correct my eyesight without glasses, the prints will scar me forever.. Well, I've always dreamt of being a pilot. snap roll, scissors, all these things I know, and have done before in simulators.. sigh.. why didn't i take care of my eyes..?! hmm.. perhaps I'll put perfect 6/6 eyesight in my wishlist when I have the time...
Well, i hate singapore internet registration systems.. The JIS was stupid enough. and if you thought that was the epitome of IDIOTness, well, the MIW for NS registration is even more IDIOT than that.. its super super user-unfriendly.. ok la.. most guys would be able to stand this because most guys are techy enough to explore.. well, they totally reset my password and sent me a new one. but they printed the 'G' in the password to look like a 'Q'. so i Didn't know it was a 'G' until i verified it with the 'G' and 'Q' in my name printed earlier on the same slip. ok. If that was enough to freak you out, there's more.
The stupid leaflet shows you how to click 'Yes' and 'SUBMIT' but doesn't show you how to get to WHERE you click the 'YES' and 'SUBMIT' for deferment. they only say 'click on application for deferment' I spent 10 mins hunting the entire site for that stupid one link, when I finally realised it was hidden so smugly under 'NS registration'. before I clicked that, I clicked 'Pre-NS registration' expecting it to be there... okok.. enough.. the site is enough to freak me out.. there's still more, but I stopped the registration because I still don't know what poly course I'm going to yet.. haven't received conformation...
Part of me is still rather apprehensive about entering poly. Well, but there's this sense of peace that I've never felt.. Never felt in JC at all. Perhaps its God's will for me to enter poly and join FCM. Just as well, Lets hope that the FCM is a really godly bunch, because i've really strayed from God.. Its been 2 years since i've kept a constant QT... A lot of my ideologies have changed... and... well, I've really strayed rather far... I do hope that the FCMers can influence me..
Well, perhaps another objective is that... I hope to bring another friend to Christ. Another friend to the saving knowledge of Christ.. I just pray for the fervor that I've lost from my sec 1 days...
Sigh.. sometimes I feel like a hypocrite.. Well, in my hierachy, hipocrisy has the highest level of dishonour attached to it. A hypocrite is even more dishonourable than a deserter, or a coward.
Well, I guess here ends my really-quite-long-but-not-so-long entry...
The reversehaven spoke at 3:42 PM
a lazy thursday...
:Thursday, March 10, 2005:
Today actually supposed to go Germ's house.. but Germ not free. :( anyway, I slacked at home the whole day, before I decided to go Lydia's house later on in the afternoon...
She just had her jaw op.. and she can't talk or eat solid food...

well, so she wrote on a notebook instead...instead of talking..

well, she came up with a list of 26 foods the night before.. 26 foods she would cheong at when she's able to take solid food.. hahaa.. Then each time the jollibean chicken drumsticks appeared on the TV, she would be like "ARGH,, can't eat... :("
Well, on the way back....

walked past my sec sch.. Well, salute to my alma mater... the institution which developed me into what I am today... well, you won't wanna know what i was before that...

well, best thing is that its beside a lake (its at lakeside MRT.. duh..)

I guess I will come to miss schooling here...

gonna miss walking home everyday this route.. haaaaaaaaa (getting nostalgic..)
The reversehaven spoke at 2:25 PM
hmm.. post for a few days...
:Wednesday, March 09, 2005:
Well, i haven't posted for quite a few days, so I guess, here's it...
friday night---

Slurpee... I wan my slurpeee.eeeee!!!

Ehh? slurpppeeee???


*hic... slurpeee... *hic.....

went to Joshua&jocelyn's house for YF...

nice view of my house from their house.. hmm...

their dog.. cute right? ehh.. wait.. hey josh.. how much did the ecstasy cost? you fed your dog some right?

daniel(my maternal cousin)sticking his tongue out.. he's got a tongue ulcer.. haha.. thats cute...

Was supposed to meet Mr Hee in the library.. but no.. he wasn't there.. hmm.. Went scouting all ard for him.. he must've been flirting until he finally decided to call me back.. damn..

whoa.. a tablet PC.. whose?

definitely not Mr Hee's...

IC.. its Kua's.. or whatever his name is (sorrie.. din manage to get your name...)

attended math lecture.. probably for the last time...

gonna miss many ppl here.. Debate team, class, OG, grandpa(see pic)

grandma...... :P
Well, what a nin's gotta do, a nin's gotta do.. what can I say...
Today (Tues)--

went with Jeremy to the Gym.. after that, settled down for a sumptuous lunch wiht him at westmall.. Sighs.. my muscles somehow look more prominent.. but i've lost a lot of my fitness :( gotta train up again.. i'm going back gym again this week...

germy... heeee.... he copy wat i ate!!
well, read Lydia's blog.. kinda got into the reflective mood after that.. Well, like I said there, even the legendary renegade jedi has lotsa english to learn from her blog.. hmm...
Well, it is true that Singapore is a cage here for people who have abstract talents.. in fact, I would so love to have that as the next debate topic.. err.. oh no.. horror of horrors.. I signed up for poly.. that means WHAT?! NO DEBATING FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS?! DANG!!!
sigh. I feel pretty stifled.. mosta my talents and passions left with practically nowhere to develop to.. Debate.. ok... unless you are really the leetest(the slang term for the most elite) in the institution you are in, you won't get to be a debator (well, I simply became the leetest in YCS because nobody else wanted to debate.. vice versa in JJ)
even in flute... Just to get a flute alone costs a bomb.. not only that, to be able to join a competitive band is not easy, unless you're in a school which has a good band.
Sighs.. brings back reminiscence from the past.. sighs.. I miss the days where life was just so simple. sometimes I hate memories. good memories only make you want to wish to relive them and hate the state you are in now. Bad memories only remind you of past sadness.. (listening to a piece of music from Gundam seed, played by a string quartet.. rather sad music.. the typical. yah.. and being rather close to tears now..) I miss a lot of people back there.. Fabian, Samuel (the naughty guy...), Soo lan, Lance, Beatrice (beat-rice we always called her.. she's now in JJ.. probably attached)... many others.. well, amongst all of them, thankfully i'm still in touch with Sherman, Ongty(tze yuan), and Jeremy.. well, the four of us were always a gang together.. always the 'extra four'... I kinda miss those days.. They demolished whatever was left of it.. and built what's the current Pei Hwa building now..
miss the times I had in CCK winds.. THe 'growing up' period.. which was almost complete before I transferred to YCS... The first few times I wore formal clothing, the very first time I was ever in town without my parents (in elizabeth concert hall, raffles hotel for Crescendo II performed by the then CCK winds), the very first time I've touched, played, and mastered an instrument, the very first time I've performed on stage, not just in school but outside..
Sigh.. well, YCS will be an addition to the not-so-painful memory.. i'm already starting to miss my days there... I hate JC.. but there again, i'm not sure if Poly can provide that same...homely feeling for me.. Probably not..
Well, life goes on. thats a painful fact. I live for only one reason-to die.. This is a reality.. all life lives only to die in the end. well, but i guess this is perhaps why my life is so empty.. a life without Christ..
I guess i'll end my veeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy lllllllooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggggg entry here..
The reversehaven spoke at 3:20 PM