Wierd dreams
:Friday, February 08, 2008:
Hmm. if you ever had wierd dreams, were they wierd enough for you to remember them?
well, i've always had dreams, but never really remembered most of my dreams. I think perhaps it's because i've had good sleep most of the time, but only recently I began to remember my dreams. here are two of the most bizzare ones.
I was on a seat. Yea the Office rolley type. and I heard some eerie voice saying somethinga bout a drug effect wearing off. Then my vision cleared and OH! i'm on the top floor of the hotel. Then suddenly I started panicking. I had a handgun with me, and this serial killer (hannibal) started chasing me. I fired at him but to no avail. Somehow he didn't die. I mustered what was left of my strength to pick up some fire extinguisher and threw it at him........ I woke up, panting, heart pumping...
gawsh. Went back to bed. Somehow, there was a round 2 of the game. Started out the same way. This time I knew that serial killer guy was coming after me. I ran and found a way out of the roof. Bizzarely I ended up in some type of restaurant, but nobody seemed to care that a serial killer was after me. I ran on through the rest of the restaurant, out into the main entrance of the place. I thought, "alright, if i get a car outta this place i should be safe." but... i didn't know how to get to the carpark! I saw two of the hotel security guards, and wierdly enough, they were both armed with SMGs. I told them my story but they didn't really believem e, but anyway, got them to escort me to the carpark. Then somehow, as we entered this glass doors, the serial killer guy got one of the two guards (who was ten metres behind). I yelled to the guard in front, only to have the serial killer pounce on me. the guard opened fire................ and I looked into the serial killer's face. the name hannibal ringing in my head..... and his face looked chinese. I woke up again..............
well, that was one hella wierd dream. but here's another one.
I dreamt of my FYP supervisor (Tan Cheng Huat) walking through a very unfamiliar looking campus. Supposedly, the campus was supposed to be SP.... I was walking through and somehow noticed him beside me. I called out to him, then he started asking me about the project. Yes as you all know, in real life he's a really supercillious supervisor and always railed me for nothing over the project. Okay so suddenly he took out two hand pumps (yea, like the ones you use to pump water out of your fish tank.. the ones made out of plastic... just smaller, and finger sized) and told me to use it for my FYP. I explained to him why they can't be used, because our project is an electronic project, and these hand pumps won't come in useful at all. He insisted we use it for our project for some wierd reason, and said something about bubbles through water and some shit..........
and i woke up...................................
thought i'd amuse you guys with my no-link dreams.
The reversehaven spoke at 4:44 PM