cup noodles.
:Thursday, October 30, 2008:
how to make cup noodles..... the rugged style!
first you need a cup. Preferably one of those cups that behave like a thermos flask... those are usually designed to keep coffee hot for long periods of time in the office. I got mine free as some office gift -,-.
Take your regular standard-issue pack of instant noodles..
crush it up OR break it up into smaller blocks anddddd
put it into the cup. duh.
fill the cup with hot water,
put the seasoning in,
now cover it and leave the bugger there for awhile. give it at least 3 mins and HEY PRESTO you got instant noodles. Now i'm just too bloody lazy to go cook it in a pot ever again. Unless I intend to add in some other random stuff to transform it into a more wholesome meal.
I used this quite a lot in the army... in BMT.... Usually because cup noodles were expensive, plus i had a free cup, plus we had a lot of leftover packs of instant noodles which were issued with the combat rations for outfield. SO... the genius i am put them to good use. Ten points for the smart guy! :D
The reversehaven spoke at 11:20 PM
got my groove back!
:Tuesday, October 28, 2008:
Was dead tired today. Had barely 3 hours of sleep. But somehow, after not having shot much last week, I decided to go back to shoot. My dogged determination to drag myself to the range paid off... I spent 2 fruitful hours in the range slugging arrow after arrow onto the board.
The news is broken. I've gotten my groove back. Now i'm not quite where I was just before I left to enlist.... but make no mistake. i'm back.
everything just clicked nicely in.. my shots felt perfect. close to perfect.
i'm gonna go at it again tomorrow.
The reversehaven spoke at 10:20 PM
Phase one - complete!
:Monday, October 27, 2008:
Finally managed to finish cleaning my room. Just for a bit. It was hard and tiring though, and I didn't really manage to clean everything I wanted to. But what I managed to do, was to clean up the war-torn areas in my room.. caused by 9 weeks of neglect in BMT.. Prior to today, I typically had to step over a few items strewn on the floor before I reached my bed. Never really had time to clean up, and things kept piling on my desk one by one.
I ended up having to throw a lot of things away. close to 10 NTUC plastic bags' worth? i don't know. I lost count. But in the midst of all that cleaning up, I ended up chancing upon some items from my past, and i'd sit there reminiscing for quite a bit, wondering if i should keep or throw them away. I hate that. Sometimes I wish i could just leave my past behind.
So i'd sit there wondering if i should keep it or throw it away.. I know i should throw it away, but the sentimental side in me just... felt like i'm throwing a piece of me away. I guess i ended up throwing most things away...
but sooner or later, i'd want to throw most of the things away... I'd want a room such that.. when i DO get married, i'll just need to shift the things i'm using, and i don't have much i'll need to throw away. I hate having to sit through this ordeal again... but that'll mean another 2 days' worth. I cleaned up most of the stuff I shifted from my old house some 6 years ago.... now all i'm left with is all the rubbish i have collected in my various drawers, plus the rubbish on the table, some of which I might still need to use.......
here are some photos.......

BEFORE: the war-torn room. I wasn't kidding!

That's where I put my bow strung up all the way on days i don't shoot. The table then typically becomes my workshop where I make strings, do fletching, etc etc.

My room's used for ironing..... so that part can't really be helped, really.

Not quite standby condition yet!!

Still leaves much to be desired, but hey... at least i've cleared all the items from the top of my cupboard... all my old stuff, all the bugger stuff i have under my bed (which had collected a LOT of dust), and my LBV, helmet, field pack, duffel bag, and all my other army stuff... which had been blocking the ironing area for months now.
The reversehaven spoke at 11:49 PM
massive undertaking
My room's been a warzone.. for a pretty long time now. Actually, I cleared it up sometime in my poly days... and then again just before enlisting... but as the weeks went by all the clutter just couldn't stop gathering.. a mixture of too many things coming in, and too little time to sort it out and throw away those that I dont need.
Anyway, I wanted to go and shoot today but i decided to clean up my room.... and then shoot in my very own indoor 3m range. Or maybe i'll make some changes to it!!
The reversehaven spoke at 11:09 AM
:Sunday, October 26, 2008:
Seem pretty short of them, lately. Sometimes I wonder where they've all gone. I guess I don't stick. Close friends are hard to find.
I don't quite like acquaintences. Usually they just stick to you for some benefit you could give them.
Oh well. All my old friends.... so little time to meet up with them for a proper chat... I guess even though i'm in a slack vocation, they might not have the time for me either =X
The reversehaven spoke at 6:06 PM