:Friday, June 03, 2005:

mesete aru yo... sharingan no hontou no chikarona!(i'll show you... the true power of the sharingan!)
Sigh.. okay... well, i've reached 1st degree obsession with the sharingan.. ok.. but doesn't matter. I'm like.. so eager to test my mettle in badminton. Zheqian says he's like.. improved in badminton. I realised how much I've dropped after playing with the guys downstairs a few days ago. But I really itch for a game of badminton...
Well, had class today. As usual. The first class was fine.. at T12. The lecturer was quite good. I didn't agree with freddie at first, but I realised,,... okay.. he's good. The electronics teacher, Mr Than. Well, he does trail off quite a bit when he speaks, and that's irritating for me. But otherwise, I like his teaching methods.. being able to keep our attention. But we were plunged into the other extreme in thermofluids class after lunch.
Wait. First things first. Befroe thermofluids, our buddy class asked us if we wanted to shift the thermofluids class to one hour early to facilitate the muslim students' prayer time. Well, we all agreed. But the class was SO NOISY. I hate the guys from that class.
Lunchtime.. I went around to popular with yong teck, to buy the engineering book, but we realised there will be discount if we buy in bulk. Ah well, we decided to wait for heidyanto(our class rep) to buy. My stupid calculus book still haven't arrived. At that time, I thought it was still ok (since the guy said it'll arrive at 3), because I'll be coming back tomorrow for archery. But I realised only when I'm home that archery would have to be postponed to the next week, since i'm goign to play the flute for the wedding tomorrow. ARGH.. that means I hav to go early on monday to grab the book, and rush out the tutorials. Ok.. stress... (hm. i'm beginning to wonder what the word stress is. since both Isaac and I never experienced it before O lvls. surprising right?)
Well, during thermofluids.... CRAP.. we were treated like pri3 students.. ok.. Pri 4 students then.. since we learnt about matter then. The teacher was like.. going through each property of the 3 states of matter one by one. All this just to go through the definition of fluids. and that is only like, the first 3 lines of the NOTES?! and HE SPENT HALF AN HOUR GOING THROUGH IT!!! Shikashau.!!! boring. So, i went through the notes by myself. And in the time (1 hr) which he used to go through the most basic fundamentals, I took to complete three whole pages on my own, fully understood. Then he made us waste a piece of paper (grr!).. he asked us to turn our notes around while he teaches, so we thought at first that was stupid, since we would like to note down what he teaches on the page he's going through. ok. we were quite relieved that that wasn't so. But he asked us a few qns (I chose not to unnecessarily deface my notes, so I did it on foolscap). The first qn was, what is a fluid?, ok.. he's so slow. Because at least half of the two classes combined would have gone through the notes before the lecture even started. so basically, most of us answered from knowledge gained from reading the notes. ok.. chronological error. this was the start of the lesson.
Then he went on rattling about the 3 states of matter, and the students behind almost confounded him with plasma, the fourth state of matter, and questioning about a sponge, since it was compressible, was it still solid? well, the second question he asked later in the lesson. I wasn't paying attention. But I was so aghast, sicne the question would probably only amuse a pri 1 student. Which is heavier? 1kg of steel or 1kg of cotton?ok.. whatever. I jotted down in the foolscap (since the first line was already wasted on the first stupid qn.) and continued wiht my notes... rather irritated. then he asked the next qn.. which occupies more space?... I was thoroughly irritated, so I scribbled cotton and carried on with my notes. After all, His questions are plain irritating. He isn't teaching anythign at a productive rate. My mind was thoroughly bored. SO I totally wasn't paying attention to him. OK.. I don't trust him to teach me. I'm goign to learn on my own.
Well, in the end, I came back, practiced the piece i'm playing for the wedding once thro with my mum. THen I went to take a nap. I was wondering whether or not to go for FCM. I couldn't bear to miss FCM. But if I do, i'll miss a chance to practice again, and the real thing is only tomorrow. Well, I guess I skipped it. I hope I gave them ample notice time...
The reversehaven spoke at 10:21 PM
:Thursday, June 02, 2005:
After so long, i'm back! and posting. Too bad, I don't have a ready camera with me, can't take many photos.. Fret not, i'll get one soon, if I can.
Well, I had lessons on today. COuldn't go play badminton with the church guys.. Too bad, the people I wanted to play with all were there.. And I was the only one who wasn't T_T Well, I was having computer aided drafting (CAD), and I was learning how to draft, and how to use AutoCAD at the same time, a popular drafting programme (used by both engineers and architects). well, it's a super user friendly programme, with keyboard commands and all.. COOL.. man.. I love it. photoshop can never be as precise as it, and that's why I love it. MAN! but to purchase it... $6k... It's actually meant only for big scale companies to buy and use throughout.. SIAN.
Well Wei Jing and Lishi crashed SP and came to visit us.. I was in the library studying, because our mechanics practical teacher let us off after 15 mins... when his lessons should last 3 hours. So we went lib study. Then Wei Jing messaged me, so I met them at MAC. Hmmm.. had my first mac meal there... then there was this chio girl (about 22 yrs old) came to publicise to us the business week magazine... haha.. okay.. and I had the same name as her manager.. hmm. After lunch with lishi and weijing, we went to visit business school.. then Lydia told us about that red bridge and all the 'stories' of how ppl killed themselves there, that's why it's red.. (which could only be nonsense)
sigh.. okay.. I really do hope to be able to play badminton with them.... sometime....
The reversehaven spoke at 8:17 PM
the difference between Charismatic and Biblical Tongues
:Tuesday, May 31, 2005:
Here are the differences between Biblical tongues (BT) and Charismatic tongues (CT):
BT - Spirit-empowered, and supernaturally given (1 Cor 12:11)
CT - Self-induced and humanly taught
BT - Foreign languages or dialects (Acts 2:6)
CT - Ecstatic utterances or gibberish
BT - Involves both spirit and mind (1 Cor 14:15)
CT - Involves the spirit but not the mind
BT - There is order (1 Cor 14:40)
CT - There is confusion and chaos
BT - Provides edification (1 Cor 14:5)
CT - Promotes ecumenism (dictionary of Ecumenical Movement, s.v. "Charismatic Movement," by Peter Hocken)
BT - Given only to some according to the will of God (1 Cor 12:30)
CT - Given to all according to the will of man
BT - Temporary gift of the Apostolic Age (1 Cor 13:8)
CT - Does not necessarily come with the gift of interpretation
BT - Given only to Christians (Mk 16:17, Acts 8:13,17)
CT - Given to professing Christians and Roman Catholics (Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, s.v. "Catholic Renewal," by F.A. Sullivan)
BT - Always controlled (1 Cor 14:27 - 28)
CT - Often wild, and hysterical
BT - Least of the spiritual gifts (1 Cor 14:5)
CT - Best of the spiritual gifts
BT - Sign to unbelieving Jews (1 Cor 14:22)
CT - Sign of personal spirituality or holiness
Well, I got this from Jeremy's blog. Really interesting stuff.
The reversehaven spoke at 8:12 PM