:Saturday, July 16, 2005:
Sigh. I so wished that I can go rollerblading. ARGH. the whole week.. it's either I was too tired, or it rained. ARGH. too bad.
I wanted to go rollerblading, but it was raining in the morning. Nonstop. This is sad. WEll, at least I have archery to look forward to later.and It's stopped raining.
The reversehaven spoke at 10:51 AM
:Thursday, July 14, 2005:
Well, I always expected something like this to happen. Now it's the talk of the town.. But well, I only just found out from En Hua, since I barely read the papers these days. I found out about the london bombing not too long ago. hah. what a loser.
Two years ago, we had all the news splashing over about people questioning why NKF is still aggressively pursuing donations when they already ahve a big bulk of money, enough to last them 30 years without public funding. Well, with all that advertisments,,,.... they ended up spending the money meant for the needy......into advertisments to get MORE money instead. man! And worse still, the CEO has conveniently pinched a large sum from that. Speaking about a $990 gold plated tap and a $1k toilet bowl... that's expensive shit man.. literally....
I expected this to happen. Well, like, the public has been giving generously, out of a true herat. until they started using part of the donations to scheme and plot to solicit more money. Like lucky draws....... sweat. Now they've got people hooked to donating for the lucky 1/4000000 chance at a condo, car or holiday. @_@
When they could have just used the money, without public funding, last another 30 years. this is pure injustice to the people who give out of a pure heart.
Well, there was this online petition thingie.. lemme link. I signed. If you feel strongly about the NKF thing, go to the link
well, I think what the petition said.. should be carried out, where the public has access to the record of their expenses, since it's the public's money after all.
The reversehaven spoke at 11:41 PM
:Monday, July 11, 2005:
With growing.. you find there's a whole lot of your past to catch up with. Many times, you remember the times in your life, good or bad... and you just wanna re live them.
Ever had times when you lay on your bed, unable to sleep? thinking just about your childhood, your past? Sometimes that happens to me. times like just hate it. hate being only able to lie there and sleep. Not being able to re-live that time, not being able to re-make your decisions.
There were many things in my childhood I wanted to change. Many things in secondary school I woudl have done differently. I hate this. I hate memories. I reminisce often about OBS. the great time I had there.. Many friends I've made.
Well, this brings me to the second part I wanna talk about. Friends. It seems there are no everlasting friendships on earth. None as girls would speak about, "friends forever".
Just one nasty word or mis-understood comment, and that friendship could well be over for life. Worse still, once you never meet or see each other again.. that friendship is almost over. Well, i've had three of the most long-lasting friends, Jeremy, Tze yuan, and Sherman. Well, very hard to keep in contact wiht all four of them... But in between them... there were other friends I've made. Friends I considered good friends until we parted. I thought the friendship between me and Amos would be very long-lasting. He's a BP, i'm a BP too. Well, he's now in PJC, and I only just found out not too long ago. Each of my attemts at contacting him mostly meet with failure. and I don't have much to talk to him about. he's busy, for his O levels.
I used to think we'd be the most lasting of friends. Nah. i'm mistaken. as soon as I transferred... we almost never talked. almost. We talk like.. once a year, when I call to catch up? hmm. nothing much to talk about even then.
Friends forever? think again. don't be so naive.
THe friends I made at OBS. the friends I made at JJ, in OG7, in elsewhere... perhaps I only maintain contact wiht one out of this two groups of people. the friends I made at OBS.. none at all. The friends I made in JJ.. i only keep in constant contact with en hua, whom I'm trying to bring to church... and the rest? almost not at all.
Kinda feeling alone here. Nobody to really be there for me all the time. Friends? nah. forget it. they're just there for that moment. gone the next.
Perhaps only church ppl are the only ppl worht making frens with. Since they are there permanently.
I guess in a way, I yearn for a soulmate. Someone who's going to be there for me till death do us part. the highest of relationships God has ever given to us man. Perhaps I shall give you a brief lecture about friendships?
there are 4 levels of friendships:
acquaintences-you've all got to start somewhere.
friends-progressed from acquaintences. talked at least 2-3 times before.
good friends-able to pour your hearts out.
relationship-your soulmate. albeit a big jump from the 3rd level.
Sigh. Well, life is depressing. I hate to reminisce. I wish I can just go on living. looking forward.
The reversehaven spoke at 12:17 AM