:Wednesday, January 31, 2007:
I just bled $450 for my X-10s. yes. i got them $50 cheaper than market price from Mr Tang. maybe i should have been bolder. and say that my budget is $400 and i need X-10s. maybe he might just give it to me at $400. STill have to wait a few days before Mr Tang's stock comes in. Hopefully it's soon.
sigh. this sport is draining my finances really badly. Thankfully my dad agreed to subsidise my limb purchase by $300. there again i'm hoping that terriss sells the limbs for about $650 or anything less than $700. so that i can get directly from him. Otherwise have to go to the hassle of getting it from :(
anyway, i'm kinda grateful that i have guolong's limbs to train with first. my A/C/Es are severely underspined though according to the chart they should be all right. wierd. Maybe it's cuz my drawlength has become 30"... the arrow length is 30" and it's presently even with the back of the bow, which means that my calculated drawlenght is 30"... which means that they should be a bit weak. somehow i killed one. i'm kinda wondering if it died becasue it entered at an odd trajectory and under the stress of such high poundage........
BAH.. all big talk.
here's a summary of my equipment:
W&W Xpert NX riser
Challenger craft limbs
W&W WK400 plunger
cartel K sight
W&W HMC stabiliser
Cartel extender, V-bar, short stabiliser
A/C/E * 7(one died :( )
Dream set:
W&W Xpert NX riser
Winex limbs (70" 42 lbs)
W&W WK400 plunger
W&W sight? Arc systeme sight? Shibuya ultima RC sight?
assuming i've already purchased the X-10s, i'm presently short of one set of limbs, one sights, and Vbar,extender and side stabilisers short of meeting my dream set. =X i hope i can reach tehre soon.
The reversehaven spoke at 10:50 PM
:Sunday, January 28, 2007:
still suffering from the lapse of the defeat... I still kind of find myself in a state of meaninglessness. Lost my competitive edge, and sometimes it sucks to know that i've got to build it all up again so soon after having reached there. After having reahed 340/360. Yes. it's nothing. Seriously.
i'm not good. just that the archers in singapore suck. Otherwise we'd have stiffer competition. Yes i'm ready for open class. No am I? Heck. i don't even have the limbs I require. I'm still waiting for W&W to send the price to terriss. sigh. Such a bother. I want to order my limbs already!!!!! To think.. i'm a set of limbs short of everything. and now in this recess everything slides back again. All that i've achieved so far. I can't group for nuts. that's gotta be discouraging.
exams coming.. well, i'll listen to terriss. i'll be down to train twice a week .I just hope that i don't lose too much during this time.
Well, I seriously loathe the thought of taking on the next semester... WITHOUT HOLIDAYS :( ITP.. okay i kinda look forward to it.. though really i would appreciate that bit of rest we would get otherwise. I would love to use that time to train.
no. for now i just want to sit down cuddled up in a corner, moping. good things come in twos. bad things come by the limbs, no holidays, no limb prices, bloody infatuation that visits me, exams, no time to train, backslide..... you name it i got it.
The reversehaven spoke at 6:47 PM