wishlist update
:Thursday, December 20, 2007:
1)guitar (thinking of buying my pastor's fender)
2)spotting scope
3)new x-10s...
4)waterproof footwear
heh but still, anyone who thinks you're generous enough to gimme a christmas gift...
The reversehaven spoke at 8:52 PM
slept thrugh most of the day. Was supposed to meet Andrea at ZH to train. However, I woke up at about 9+. when I left home, it rained. BAH. actually was onm y way already, so i went back, checked out of the MRT. as i was walking on the overhead bridge back, saw the korean coach. heh. yea, i know she lives near me. nothing new. as always, we pretended we don't know each other (or actually, we DON'T, though we've seen each other before. so what's there to pretend?)
went back and played tiberian sun, ate lunch, and fell asleep since it was still raining. Slept till 3, when the rain stopped. lucky me. I had a good 2 hours of shooting time.
march trials.....hm. i'm not ready for it. Yet. but the cogs of fate have begun to turn. we'll see how it all turns out.
The reversehaven spoke at 8:19 PM
:Tuesday, December 18, 2007:
went for medical checkup. yea the army one. I had a medical history of thalessemia minor from my mum's side, and they needed to check, so they were drawing blood from me. They drew two vials (about half a test tube i think, maybe slightly smaller) of blood from me. The first vial was alright, but during the second vial, i suddenly felt dizzy. I voiced it out. the MO was like 'aiya it's quite normal.' then before i knew it, i saw white spots, and urgent voices, and next moment i knew, he'd withdrawn the needle and put a plaster in place, and i was breathing hard. the white spots suddenly turned black and everything turned black. scary experience.
Was blind for five minutes on, though i could hear what they were saying, ended up lying there at the lab station for half an hour before i continued. bah.
well, i'm a PES D pending investigation. But getting a PES C or something similar may not entirely be a bad thing. though i'll regret not having a full BMT. it's something i've been looking forward to all my life. I hope they don't deprive me of it.
The reversehaven spoke at 8:13 PM
broke my first X-10. wasn't very heartbreaking. I shot it into a soft spot in the boards at PPCC indoor... and the tip hit the wall at the back. I swear i coulda kicked myself for shooting that (quite obviously soft) spot. but it wasn't too bad.
my arrows are an inch too long, though a spine too stiff. Got tang to cut this one. Luckily the crack only propogated just three quarts of an inch. voila. i'll just trim the rest and use this baby along with it when i'm strong enough to use my 44 pound winEXs without injuring myself. just not now.
victory... i can just touch it with the tip of my fingers. But first, I have to graduate. the shinies can wait. in the meantime..... ZH here I come...
The reversehaven spoke at 12:12 AM