dysfunctional Singaporean BGR
:Wednesday, July 20, 2005:
Well, BGR has it's whole slew of dysfunctionalities in singaporean lifestyle. Having seen, read and heard of my friends' cases... sometimes I feel just so sad for them. Reading one person's blogs recently inspired me to write this.. so here goes...
Well, BGR, for one, in singapore, is very childish. Like all immature singaporeans, our teens are immature too. What is true love? you ask them... what is true love? hm. mosta them would tell you... "oh.. that look in his eyes...." or "oh.. she held my hand.... and I felt so touched." grow up. Seriously, our teens need to take much more time off to think more deeply about such stuff. You see most couples at such an age dating, but most of the time, after 3 months (the standard time) they break off.. Why? you might ask.
Definitely, right from the start, both of them would have had different ideals. Most of the time, it is mutually known and accepted from both parties that they are just 'going on a fling'. I dont mean the physical stuff.. but in that three months, both sides, whether they know it or not, just want to use each other as an emotional crutch. Like my favourite teacher once said, "girls at this time will be looking for guys, as an emotional crutch, to tide them through o levels, to give them comfort. But don't be fooled, guys, because after the O levels is over, you will outlive your use to them. the heartbroken one will be you."
While it is true for girls, sometimes it is true for guys too.
That is one of the dysfunctional sides.Well, I have another friend... he's hopelessly in love with this girl. okay........ Well, I thought they were a couple genuinely focused together..... until I realised he's never met her in real life... get alive! anyone of you can testify that even I am two different persons online and offline. Okay. I could safely bet all my money that he's probably going to break up once he meets her. once he meets her, she won't be as pretty as in the photos, her voice not as sweet.... The likes...
well, we have yet again other situations like guys breaking off with girls shortly after they get together. Then the reason they would give would be somethign liek, "oh.. lost the feeling liao". Man! love is a commitment! not a.... feeling!!!!
Love has, in this era, become such an evil word. I mean, the true meaning of love.... that God can send Jesus, his son, to die the most cruel of deaths. for what?! to redeem us from the death we sinners deserve! Love, such a great word, such a great thing.... has been reduced to a mere feeling!
Then we have the flirts. Any chiobu goes. THen after that, they would give that same line, "lost the feeling" and then there goes. next.
Rare would be the type.. the ones who would quietly wait. Wait until they are very sure the other party is truly in love with them too. Then, patiently, they would wait together. Wait till the fullness of time, then they start dating. If it doesn't work out, then that's all right. not because of stupid "lost the feeling" lines, but more of perhaps a fine tuned charater incompatibility.(which they examine thoroughly during courtship). If the relationship works out, they would marry, in one shot. first date ever. What happened to our parent's era? where their first date would end up being their life partner most of the time? but no. Nowadays it's so trendy to 'have a fling'. 'tryout'.
Break a heart..... "whoops.. sorry." and there goes. "next!"
Where has the serious dating gone? the type where the sole intention for dating would be to work toward courtship and marriage? but no. If you ask why most teens are together.... "oh. I like him, he likes me.. so we together loh!" then when they break up "oh. lost the feeling liao. I don't like him liao. although he may still like me" (same coudl go for the guys.) Wherever did our "we love each other dearly, and we have thought of it, we want to marry each other, and hence we are courting" go?
Seriously, dating in singapoer has become some sort of game. you are measured by how quickly you can snag a girl kinda thing. Or how many ex-es you have. Well, how about those who never date till they are of ripe age?
Well, the friends I spoke of indirectly, Do not feel offended that I have used you as examples. no offence intended. Of course, if you feel offended by it, I can remove it. But more so, if you feel that what I say here can be contested (rebutted, or argued against) feel free to tag. I'll get back to you. Of course, no anonymous tags.
Hmm. I might be writing somethign else soon. another expository.
The reversehaven spoke at 12:36 AM