:Thursday, November 30, 2006:
just lost the mood to do anything productive/academic. I need a holiday/break.
well, i kinda lost some of my spirit to train. feeling depressed.
i don't know where all this negative energy comes from. somehow everything's squeezing the life out of me. i need some space. i wish studies didn't take up so much of my time. actually my real love.. would to be a full time archer... or working in some archery development company. or teaching. But either way.. .right now pursuing this extraordinary path, i have lost the privilege of being a 'normal' person anymore. for all thsoe out there who still have the privilege, do enjoy it while it lasts.
The reversehaven spoke at 10:13 PM
Carbon bow.... under my wishlist?
:Tuesday, November 28, 2006: sweet shit. I want it. But i don't have the cash :( well, i guess.. the NX should be good enough. i'll be satisfied with it.
The reversehaven spoke at 10:44 PM
the pressure.
:Monday, November 27, 2006:
Recently announced that Mr Bill wee will be sponsoring a set of foamcore limbs for one lucky guy and one lucky girl who wins our own internal competition. Pressure's mounting. It's my first time :( but if i win that set of limbs... everything... everything has a good chance.
all that's lacking from mysetup to make it a setup worth of international a set of limbs. apart from sights.. i mean. After all sights aren't really performance equipment.
i'm suffering from the immense pressure to get it right. i know it goes right down to the last shot. and i know in that one shot, every single point counts. in that one shot, everything.... everything is held in that one shot. The possibility of speeding up my equipment advancement by 6 months.... the possibility of competing at higher levels faster.......
all down to one shot. forty seconds. one click. one twang.
The reversehaven spoke at 11:37 PM