:Thursday, November 24, 2005:
well, just passed my birthday and it's surprisingly surprising how i have surprised classmates who are surprised at the not so surprising fact that i just turned 18.
Anyway, i was rather aghast at attending crap modules like CD at SP.. (CD stands for character development). Let me tell you what we do..
for the grading system, it's dependant on how many hours you spent on CIP and how much money you raised for charities. Ok. blek.. so i'm telling you that in order to score well for this module, we all have to go out and beg money for the needy. WTH...
well, it kinda goes against my conscience to do such things.. Actually, on anytime, i'd gladly, willingly go and donate and collect money for the needy. But it goes against my conscience in every and any way to go collect money and all that FOR RESULTS!
HECK! we can have all the character we have and they want to grade us on it. But how on earth can it be in any way fair if they grade it based on who donated more or who's luckier in getting more people to donate?! Like, the people with the best character are bound to lose out to, perhaps people who aren't as good in character but have better networking. You must realise that good character doesn't necessarily equate to your ability to network, persuade, and ultimately collect money from people who have money and give it to people who need money.
Like heck, Robin hood could have the suckiest character in the world, but still rob the rich (which isn't necessarily something good) and give to the poor, and ultimately have a motive behind it (which is fame amongst the poor folk.). Does Character or it's development in any way link to and be proportionate to how much money you can collect for the poor? so in this way this is utterly unfair to people who are not so outspoken, because definitely they won't be able to collect much since they don't have much EQ, and less interpersonal skills. Just going up to a person and asking that person for a donation takes so much effort. let alone asking a lot of people and getting donations from them.
well, i'm really aghast at how the nation attempts to, at school level, develop our characters. After all, all this job is meant to be done by our parents, and done since young. Sacrificing a great amount of our module time just to achieve that little bit of support for charities isnt' something that's worth it. All you have is students who do it all just for their marks and not for charity. The motive isn't pure. Character development? character development my a**......
The reversehaven spoke at 8:35 PM