:Friday, February 25, 2005:
I took this personality disorder test for the fun of it.. well.. here it is... the results... haha..
The reversehaven spoke at 12:29 AM
:Thursday, February 24, 2005:
Sometimes I jus hate my dad... now looks like I won't be able to blog until the end of the month. He wants to do some stupid surface scan on his stupid portable harddisk. CAn't he do it on his laptop? damn this is getting stupid. I really hate the way he does things. Everything he does has to end up jamming up whatever I need to do and stuff. now I can't watch my naruto for one month, I can't do anything at all. My night life is going to get THIS much boring.....
Damn! I really hate my dad. Worse thing is that he BLATANTLY REFUSES to listen to reason..
DAmn.. I really hope his stupid portable harddrive burns while he's trying to do that stupid surface scan. Then I wil be free to use the computer until he comes up with some new stupid contraption to prevent me from using the computer.
sorry.. no pix tonight.. i'm so damn pissed at him...
The reversehaven spoke at 2:47 PM
a lazy day...
:Wednesday, February 23, 2005:

Sianx.. today econs test........ ok lar.. good thing its MCQ.. I jus anyhow do lorhhh... =P

Woah.. looks like i'm not the only one who's not serious about the test.. xiao ji ji slping.. hhaa.. henry (right behind.) was so on for the test...

arhgs.. buay ta han liao.. I wan go home!!! ponning sch.. .jus a few steps to freedom.......

YAYX! freedom!! haha.. go home lerhhh..!

Mr Hee and his girl-friends.. again...

nice artistic pic I took in church.. whaddya thinkg? actually, it looks nicer live than here..

Well, this was the pic taken again.. wasn't so nice.. arhgs...
Anyway, I was at home after that... then i went to sleep.. haha...woke up only in the evening... heee...
The reversehaven spoke at 3:58 PM
haix..no pix.. nevermind.. got words..
:Tuesday, February 22, 2005:
din manage to restore the pix... anyway, on fri, I went to shooting first... Mr goon was talking a lot of crap and funny stuff for gp lesson. Then I went to play badminton, however badminton was cancelled bcoz of love fiesta. so, varun din bring his racket.. ended up, i only played with baoyi and chivi and a few others for awhile. i left my racket with SQ..
Then I went for shooting... nothing much.. just had to shoot two cards.. ten shots each. The other two pistol members I met weren't as good. I was very slow at my shots at first, but as soon as I saw suya (the person who supervised me during the trials) shooting each shot quickly, I decided to follow that technique. Each time I only heard swift cocking action and removal of the cocking lever, then I would turn to see her already loading the pellet into the pistol. Then, she would raise her arm and, without much hesitation, fire. I decided to follow that, and to my surprise, I started hitting the black again (at that time my arm was already tired and trembling, and my shots were starting to miss the black).
after that, i went for band. we played a grade 5 piece.. Sad thing was, I was there, expecting to see her, but... sorely disappointed. apparently, she went to help out with the stall. Anyway, I left when it was time...
Ended up, I was a lil' late for the debate finals at orchard road library. I ended up in CK tang when the library was in taka 4th level. Well, AC won (as expected).. HC was very china china type. the second speaker of HC was some chineseman stereotype.. haha...
We went off, waiting for both Mr Kong and Mrs Tan, who didn't show up. In the end, we ended up in yoshinoya eating whilst listening to en hua's love stories.. haaaa
Well, En Hua showed us the spot at breadtalk where he didn't recognise the girl he liked... okok.. i'm......jealous....
Anyway, I went back and had a late night..... I woke up late for love fiesta.. dragged myself to school just on time for my shift. Well, I feel a lil' bad, not having contributed as much to the stall. I guess I didn't want to complicate matters... However, I tried suggesting getting another stall to collaborate with us, but all the stalls we approached were not interested....
Well, was spending my time walking up and down, giving brochures and publicising our stall when we can. I was wondering what the heck I was doing here. Here in some animal fiesta? sometimes I just hate this. I hate this kinda fun and merrymaking. Somewhere in the Bible it says 'better is it to be found in the house of mourning than in the house of laughter. This brought me to wonder.... wonder what this world spins for. Sometimes I wonder the meaning of life. But the further I distance myself from God, the more I lose sight of that.
Sometimes, mere distractions, temporary pleasures, and sometimes even studies get in the way between me and God. It is really blessed to be in fellowship and communion with God. Everything has meaning. Every setback has a hidden blessing. But best of all, I know that God is with me. Sometimes, its just tough balancing my fight against this spiritual lukewarmness getting in me and fighting to be a good testimony. Blameless. Christians are supposed to live a life blameless. Blameless before everyone. Blameless even before God. But how do I live? perhaps its time for another church camp. another retreat, another time for me to reflect on my spiritual life, how I live.
Well, anyway, I stayed till it was 5. Actually, I would have wanted to stay with the clearup.... perhaps I wished I was a lil' late for YF so as to help with the cleanup.. I don't know..... somehow, people are now blaming me for not having contributed... sometimes I just hate this kinda project work. I am not able to move with the flow, and sometimes, I cannot contribute where it helps... I just feel so miserable here.. :(
YF... brother nelson spoke. about fellowship.. Well, kinda renewed my passion... for discouraged souls within the YF. Somehow, the YF seems to have become such a measly small number. My entire batch abandoned me. ok, fair enough, female leaders are stepping up. I see joce and eunice becoming ALs.. however, I wonder.. sometimes I wonder if they would mature fast enough. if I would mature fast enough to fill the exco positions... I even wonder.... if I can.....
I guess, this YF is dying.. really dying.. I have to do some real evangelism fast.. perhaps thats all I can do to keep this flame and ministry burning.....
*miserable boy*~keep me in your prayers.. I covet them...
The reversehaven spoke at 1:35 PM
dang! no pix
:Sunday, February 20, 2005:
sorry.. the pix for the funfair really have to be delayed quite a bit.. as will be the pix on the debate finals and all that..
Really sorry. I lost the pix or something, some error in the transfer. Will try to rectify. otherwise i'l jus write an account about both events tml. sad that the pix are gone.. :(
The reversehaven spoke at 11:34 PM