MY poke-me-rachel
:Friday, February 16, 2007:
haha.. rachel's so cute. she's got a 'reaction' button on her side. just press that button for a reaction from her. :P almost like a tickle-me elmo. hahhaa.
it even comes with a wireless support.sometimes your finger is near the button you get a reaction already. lol.
anyway, ITP.. i'm rotting here. okay at least i can blog and stuff like that. i'm still rotting darhhhhh....... just had company dinner last night. O_O crazy shit.
can't wait to shoot again. but i can't wait for my new winEX limbs to come in either. there again im not sure if i should get the inno power limbs instead...... :(
SPDP.. chiobu time!!! but i'm not there... sob.
p.s. adelia's got a split personality.
The reversehaven spoke at 11:38 AM
:Wednesday, February 14, 2007:
well, i'm probably one of the luckiest ITP students you can find around. Not only did i get into STkinetics in the end, i end up handling a project (cold spraying) all on my own. Now, i've been sent to NTU to help in the development of the project, and i get a full professor's room all to myself. i'll see if i'm free enough maybe i'll post some pics up of it. :)
still it's a whole bunch of coincidences and I can see God's hand in bringing all of them in. like i told jocelyn.... 'tikam oso cfm can't tyco until lidat'.
Anyway, i'm getting my winEX limbs soon. i'm kind of wondering if i should end up getting them in the end.. Though i know soon i'll need the best i can find aruond, and i'll need 44 pounds so that my X-10s can spine in. Hopefully the winEXs send quickly... and I don't have to wait much. Damn. i can't wait....
pity, terris wasn't able to get the price up for me.His great grandma in law passed away and he's kinda busy. okay.... still, it looks like it will be quite a while before i manage to get limbs from him. There again i'll still have to wait for it to ship through. I think i'll get it from Hopefully nothing goes wrong with the limbs... i.e. it doesn't crack or anything like that. Otherwise it'll be very difficult and troublesome from there on. I don't even have spare limbs to rely on.. not at that poundage.
still if i order from altservices... i was originally relying on the fact that terriss needs only a 50% deposit before he orders the limbs. then i can use my salary to cover up the rest. I think i need to take a loan since i'm ordering from altservices.. :(
NANDA KOREWAAAA!!!!!!!!! i want my limbs. sob.
The reversehaven spoke at 1:45 PM
exams over.
:Sunday, February 11, 2007:
a sigh of relief. but i know i didn't do well. apart from my normal aces i have b's in it's place. saddening but i think after moping over it a few days i shan't think of it already.
X-10s are in. doing fine. though i still can't group as nicely as i would want to at 70m. still, it'll take some time for me to get my new winEx limbs.. thanks to my parents that they're contributing in here and there to help me afford the limbs. I can't wait till i get the limbs. once i get the limbs.. it'll only be just one month before i get used to them and i'm ready for open class. meantime a lot of form work needs to be done.
ITP is in place. lots of things to think about. well, at the very least it just means i can go train everyday after work. somethin to look forward to. I just hope they don't give me a hard time at ITP.
meh. my life is so boring. so routine. i barely even have the time to go do something meaningful anymore. everything else is academic pursuits left. i feel so empty and so meaningless. when i die i know all these academic and physical achievements will be left behind. at best buried with me in the grave.
Sometimes i just shouldn't be so helpful. i'm alredy running a friggin charity here. now while running that 'charity' the people i'm helping are coming back to slap me in the face for helping them. meh. sometimes things just lose it's meaning. while first i seem so passionate about helping everyone. then suddenly all the meaning in helping them is just totally lost.
i think i'll be mercenary all over again. those people don't NEED my help.
The reversehaven spoke at 7:42 PM