:Saturday, April 16, 2005:
Well, I decided to attend the last day of the SYF. Partly to go with YCS band... to laugh at them.. whatever..
One year ago, I offered my wealth of knowledge and experience. Well, they refused it. Serves them right. Good thing this time its a bronze that they got. Not a copper. Silver? dream on.

Well, a flurry of activity.. Sorry this one is a lil' bit blurry.. All wearing their stupid white and white uniform beofre putting up their stupid blazers. Well, i'm glad i'm outta that band. A whole lotta mental torture while I was there. Well, din learn much in that band. I thought I could learn by teaching them. no... I offered all my experience and knowledge in handling things, protocol, but they bluntly refused it. Ah well, whatever.

ahh.. another blurred pic.. nah.. nvm.. I shouldn't shake so much. Well, half the band doesn't know how to tie their own ties.. disappointing right?

the losers of this band. Chee ming, (the black guy) and Mr Tan. Naggy Laggy Saggy Mr Tan. Had enuf of him. blah. He thinks that his balding head makes him look cool. Yuck! cool on someone else's head. Not on his. And there's that loser chee ming. Sec four liao and he comes up with a myriad of excuses for not knowing how to tie his own tie. What a loser. He's the drum major somemore. Well, I guess you can attribute the state of the band to him. I really regret pushing him for the position.
----mosta the other pics are too dim. The innards of the singapore concert hall is rather poorly lit. My cam doesn't have flash. Ah well, nothing more to see besides some losers from YCMB..--

The rest managed to get tickets and went into the concert hall. Only Simon and I were left outside. Boh bian lo.. we thought we could pose as teachers in charge and get in. Well, little did we know that we needed the PS card (that all civil workers have) to enter as teachers. Bleh! So boh bian lo.. watch the band from the TV outside.

Here's simon.. acting so cool...

oops.. wanted to take a pic of the band once we got into the concert hall.. Bleh..misfired.. Well, we got in after much trouble.. They said no MP3s, no HPs no wahtevr. I think they wanted to prevent us from recording the music. Well, they din say no palms.. Well, I recorded anyway, for personal analysis. I guess that's still ok, right? Well, the army official suspected me of recording.. I guess I was wrong. So I kept my palm away.
Well, came back.. wanted to use the com.. THen after using for awhile, my HDD got probz.. Well, my com seems to be living on borrowed time.. Its suddenly so laggy, and when I startup, the thing says that primary hdd not found. hmm.. thats funny. I left it to scan for a night, then it was alright. But I tried restarting again, they told me primary hdd not found.. funny bunny. Can someone tell me wats wrong with my hdd? could it be that its been reformatted too many times that's why its like that?
The reversehaven spoke at 10:57 AM
You must be wondering....
:Thursday, April 14, 2005:
Well, everyone here must be wondering what all those obscene comments are doing on my blog. Well, I'll say it here, and nobody can impersonate me in saying this..
There's this psycho who just LOVES defacing people's tagboards, and insulting its viewers, (like that..) sometimes, he would impersonate me and post such comments.
Well, obviously, this person has an axe to grind with me. But no, he's too cowardly, and doesn't wanna reveal himself. so secretly, behind this anonymous persona, he posts such obscene, uncivilised comments. This is not all; Sometimes he would post comments using my persona, insulting viewers to this blog.
I would call out to viewers in this blog; if you see such comments floating around in the tagboard, just ignore it. This person wants attention. We'll just deprive him of it. On his behalf though, sorry for those comments; especially if it insults you. I am really sorry, because I just can't be bothered to give him so much attention as to remove his obscene language and posts in the tagboard. Do be understanding.
Oh yes, jeremy... you understand now, right?
The reversehaven spoke at 9:01 PM