:Saturday, January 12, 2008:
5 minutes with a lowly labtech did wonders. And to think that lowly labtech barely knew what he was doing.............
and that 5 minutes beat the ENTIRE MONTH we had with Dr Wang..... considering all he really needed to do was SIT DOWN for 5 minutes and bloody LOOK at our programme.
damn. we missed spinnovex thanks to him, if we had only been able to grab hold of this helpful labtech guy just one week earlier, we'd be sitting there in the spinnovex now, maybe getting a gold, silver or bronze.
archery... don't know how it's gonna go. don't look pretty now. I'll skate a bit more for the time being. :D
The reversehaven spoke at 8:43 PM
ID-10 T error.
:Friday, January 11, 2008:
some people suffer from the ID-10 T error. yes if you haven't noticed, it spells IDIOT. apparently five minutes with a lowly labtech which we didn't get to meet for an entire month solved virtually all of the big problems we had in our project... compared to one full month asking a DOCTORATE IN ELECTRONICS.
ah well, that's the way things are now. i hope I do'nt meet much more serious obstacle rushing my project to the finishing line. it's going to be a mad 3 day rush, followed by a mad week studying, and then a mad two weeks of exams. this is the final lap. i hope i don't screw up.
The reversehaven spoke at 10:59 PM
Time Machine
:Wednesday, January 09, 2008:
Sometimes I wonder.. what if I could just transport myself to four weeks' later. what life would be like then?
it's just another four weeks to go. The pressure seems to be tapered off just a bit as we finish some stuff. a bit more to go!
now if only I could find out how to output those data bits! everything will be fine! I just hope I don't get any less than a B. would really appreciate an A for FYP, but any less than a B would be utterly devastating..
it's just another 4 weeks... actually 6 (if you count the SPcare exhibition) till i'm done with SP.
in the meantime, ima gonna start my training programme slow jog. let's see how things go!
The reversehaven spoke at 12:21 AM