Class rox!
:Thursday, July 28, 2005:
Okay. My previous post got blocked for some reason or another. I think i shan't bother writing a new one. Anyway, it was about my exam week. How hectic and all that but ah well...
To sum it up, was the OC presentation, which went quite fine in spite of some other struggles, then the idea which was rather impromptu... Then next was the mechanics paper which I refused to hand up, and got full marks for it. Then came Autocad which was quite ok, and finally the engineering math paper which was difficult, but i managed to cram the knowledge into my head last min and i think I should be able to get a 75% hopefully.
Well, that wrapped up, I shall go on to the class chalet. Man.. those of us who went for the night cycling would think our class rox...
The chalet started off qutie boring.. at first, I was planning to do up my crossbow with freddy before leaving for the chalet, while he waits for SOMEBODY's letter to come and joins us. Well, what happened was i woke up late. DARN. then I rushed to the station to meet Cheong Keat so that we could meet Cheng Kai at the MRT and then we head off for the chalet. Then I was like... late.. I was profusely apologising to him on sms, then he replied and said "cool. i'll be late too." haha. then i thought cheng kai will be fuming at us being late at JE mrt. When we reached there, we ended up being 8 mins earlier than him. HAHAA.. then we met the rest at Kembangan (isit? or isit another station ard that area?) Daniel lives there though. Well, like I was saying, Daniel was living there.. and he was supposed to be there, but he was late. Thne he said he was coming.. at ang moh kio station now. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. (hm.. you never know. he COULD have been at amanda's the night before.. *grins mischievously*)
When we reached, the room was so totally small. Stupid hedi kept leading us in one whole round around the chalet before leading us to our room. Hahah. Anyway, we were saying we were going to taupok him.(but we never did. Awww.) We went to BK for breakfast, and I blew a whole big portion of my cash. argh. Then we went to buy barbecue stuff, of which we wasted one pack of sausages, two packs of crab meat, and a pack of prawns. ARGH....
We brought that back to the chalet, along with a ball we bought, then we saw another soccer ball left there and we kicked that halfway back to the chalet. Then we saw a couple (one sec sch girl in uniform, a guy not in uniform. the THAT TYPE wan la.) then we went WHOOING and then rui qin threw the ball at them.hahahhaah... In the end, daniel was supposed to kick the ball into the canal for fun... but he didn't. ARGH.
The afternoon, most of hte guys went to play soccer. I was playing the Xbox there and then I helped Ng Cheng Kai wiht the marinating. Foo Cheng Kai was so noisy out there..haaa.. but well, we had fun althou we didn't play soccer. I was planning to be the one who started the fire, but in the end, cuz i followed them to rent the bikes, cheong keat and co started the fire first.hahaaa. but still, I got to be the firemaster.. it was fun.
The barbecue was fun. I spent mosta the time being the firemaster. i only started eating when mosta the ppl finished. Then, Dunwei, Daniel, Foo and I went to play CS.. it was super ex, but the equipment was state-of-the-art. Then, we went back and prepared for the night cycling. When we finally set off, I was a bit apprehensive. I prayed for protection (which I believe God answered, since i'm still in one piece, in spite of ck and I almost having gotten banged by a car nearing the end of the trip). Well, we biked to simei, and Hedi's tyre burst there, and he had to head hoeme first. Before that, though, there was an argument, Shan't elaborate too much on that, since the post is long enough. But ah well..
Anyway, to cut hte long story short, we ended up at bedok jetty (I was almost dying the last part, cuz my feet hurt like hell and I was super tired. Thanks to Cheong Keat I actually made it through. If he wasn't htere to wait for me constantly, there were some parts of the terrain I would never have been able to cross.) And we started talking about our love lifes there. haha.. Wel, I didn't say much. but dunwei and daniel bore everything. Ho Cjuan... was sleeping so soundly.haha.. Anyway, half of us were so tired by that time we decided to go out a bit more and take a taxi back. We went two MRT stops from there, and close to the second stop, NG CK and I almost got banged by this stupid sports car. I was trying to grab his saddle cuz i was lagging, and he was trying to slow down for me. THen we thougth the car driver would have seen the people in front and avoided us, but that stupiod guy obviously wasnt' paying much attention to his driving. He came dangerously near CK, and he flashed his headlamps, then CK swerved. Thank God CK swerved, and I saw at the same time and swerved, or we would have both been dead.
Anyway, the rest headed on, and we took taxi. unwise decison, since MRT starts at about 5.20 am. it was about 5.05 then. but the taxi wasn't too expensive anyway...
We went back, for a nice HOT shower, and we spent time playing the Xbox, while I went to slp. Poor hedi... he was the one who organised the whole thing... and yet he ddint' get his fair share of fun from it. but ah well, we'll be grateful to him :) Anyway, he was sleeping there.
The rest came back an hour later. they managed to even have time for breakfast at simei. WHA!! our route there was very long because we kept making wrong turns. but htis time, they managed to find their way back faster.
Anyway, the chalet ended after that, and we went home. But the biking trip was sure memorable.
Night cycling. Anyone heard of night blading? been there. done that. ;)

Oh yeah.. here's a pic.. been there done that... see my wrist guards? (too bad my blades weren't captured in the pic.haha. but you can see i'm taller than normal.. hehe.)
The reversehaven spoke at 11:20 PM