:Saturday, March 24, 2007:
trudged home today. once again. don't i have more joyful things to blog about on saturdays?
nuh it's okay. i guess i'll be like this for now.
The reversehaven spoke at 7:11 PM
:Friday, March 23, 2007:
well, it's the second time i'm blogging today.
here's a line. let's see if anyone can decode this :D
well a few people already know the answers so i don't just want to know the final answer. i wanna know the name of the code or the mathematical concept behind it. :D
talk me up on msn or email me. i'll give you a mystery prize! :D
limited to the first three people only.
bonus if you can tell me where that line's from..
nz mpwf gps zpv jt xjuipvu xby
The reversehaven spoke at 5:17 PM
well, i've just finished up my new blog skin.. i'm very satisfied with how it looks. I changed quite a lot from the original skin, but now it looks a whole lot better in the colours that i want it to be.
hm. thinking a lot about sideline income. bowstrings.. i'm still thinking of designing my own archery equipment. Jerry's thought of designing his own sight pin.. terriss is making his own Vbars from military grade carbon he got from DSO....(waste carbon that is...) i'm thinking of something else i can do.. .without the industrial capability. I can only design something. but what...?
meanwhile i'll have to rely on bowstrings to augment my critical finances. hopefully it's enough to balance off such that i don't have to ask my mum to increase funding for me from her already very troubled finances.
well, i'm getting a palmphone soon. to replace my useless phone and soon-to-be-useless palmtop. the good thing about this bugger is that it's still got 9mths warranty in it. But i hope that there won't be any probelms such as the numpad frustrating me (as rumoured it would). i guess i'll have to be a lot more stringent on the day itself when i buy the palmphone from the guy. hopefully i can shave another few tens of dollars off the cost of the palmphone, so that i can buy my micro SD for it. mmmmmmm.
The reversehaven spoke at 12:57 PM
:Tuesday, March 20, 2007:
I guess i wanna try my hand at starting a small 'business' if you will. I've started making custom bowstrings, and would be getting a few colours soon.
Right now, i have a bit of black angel majesty bowstring material, and i'm getting white angel dyneema in a while.
I have: red nylon serving, white angel majesty serving, black microfilament serving.
i'm going to get black, red, and blue TS-1 plus string, but i'm presently tight on budget so i'll probably get the black first, or the black and red first, then the blue will have to wait. But hey, if you want blue strings, you could always get a pool of at least 2-3 people to order strings from me. I could borrow cash first, get the blue string material and still make the strings for you.
Strings are presently priced at $20, however if there are enough orders for now i might consider lowering the prices.
I do double coloured strings too, so for now if you order a string you can choose between black, red, and blue to make dual-coloured strings.
you can place your order here on my tagboard, or you can email me at
The reversehaven spoke at 5:33 PM
:Monday, March 19, 2007:
sometimes you feel life doesn't deal it's fair share to you. Some times i feel that way. No all the time.
life isn't fair to those who work hard and are yet not talented. But suck thumb. unless they do work hard, they have nothing to their name. Yet life gives the rich and the talented more wealth and more ability. i feel burdened under the financial load of buying my equipment. Everything... my limbs.. my riser... my arrows... my stabilisers.. everything bought with my very own money.
trained hard.. sacrificed sleep, read forums....
all so much effort put in but yet there are people... who just have the money.. or the connections.. to get all the best stuff they need, barely spending anything. i must admit i'm jealous. Unhappy about it. What can i do?
it sucks when you see you're trying your best... but you still ultimately fall prey to people who don't try as much, and yet at the same time, becasue of connections or becasue of their own wealth, have everything. why can't life favour the hardworking? why can't life favour them who put in more effort? life just isn't fair. the poor can only sit and gape in awe of the rich, hoping to one day be like them; while the rich just live in ivory mansions.
life isn't fair. I guess i don't have a choice.
i can only sit here and feel unhappy about it.
The reversehaven spoke at 9:25 AM