:Saturday, March 03, 2007:
Trudged home today. Didn't go for YF.
This is one in few times in so many years. I just blatantly skipped YF.
I don't know. i'm feeling very lost.
Trudged home. Soggy socks annoying the hell out of me. Hair still a bit wet. Stinking. Bow on back. the uncomfortable lumps rubbing down my spine. Felt like one of those times i went home from battle in the rain. Beaten. But no, this is worse. At least for those competitions i lost.. in the rain... at least I knew i didn't have enough training. I knew at least what i needed to do. I knew at least where i'm headed. At least i knew i wanted to go home.
I wished i'd have someone to pat me on the back. tell me it's okay. I wished i woke up from a bad dream. Cliche. Suddenly i just wished i was alone. nobody will understand me.
bought a pack of bee hoon. Cheap but oily as hell. I couldn't care less.
then for all the times i was miserable, a bottle of pepsi. wine for the sorrowful, pepsi for the miserable. trudged home on the wet ground. Trudged home....
if sleep, like death could cancel all misery, i would sleep forever.
The reversehaven spoke at 11:17 PM
i'm evil!
Rachel says i'm evil.
yes i am. VERY EVIL.
The reversehaven spoke at 12:32 AM
SP open-part 2
Well, okay. as promised this is the second part of the blog entry.
i thought it was a well organised competition. Except for the fact for a few organisational inadequecies, of which i shall decline to comment. But more of i was grateful for the people who came down to help. Espeically people like sunny low. Really takes joy in his job. I asked derong to give him a red packet or something. Not sure if he's done that already but ah well. :)
still the one thing that caused my ultimate frustration was the people who didn't come down. Those who didn't know didn't ask and just conveniently skipped saturday.There were a few characters you can see in the competition. The saigang warrior, cheng kun. Reall appreciate him. though sometimes he can be annoying, but when he puts his hands together to help you, he'll help all the way. The half saigang warrior and helpful friend, jonathan. Though he's not exactly a very integral part of the club social fabric, but he came down to loan his aid, whether or not he got the chance to shoot. Really appreciated his help especially since i assigned him some important duties.
Saigang warrior-cum thinker, wai jack. Can't say how much i owe the success of my plan after the second round to him. The scores were very efficiently counted, entered, and printed, ready for the notice board within 20 minutes. A bit short of my target time but good enough.
Last of all, my abangs. both stayed behind to help out a bit on the next day. We were initially thinking of doing more planning for the camp but didn't go further than that. sigh. ah well.
the knockouts the next day was funny. I was hoping so hard i'll go up against toh jin, ken or henry ong. these three who were some of the top few archers in the land.. in the end i met up with Uncle Karl Sew (the guy who helped me make my jig. thanks so much, sorry had to knock you out the first round ): ) then next i was up against jay tan. The guy from SPGG.. and also the prisons guy. I can't get it really. he seems like a nice guy to me. at least, for whatever he's talked to me about. Though i've heard from BK that he's kind of one of the most troublesome guys to our club. ah well. Then after that i was up agaisnt this Gurkha. Nice guy really. Still having trouble reconciling the fierce impression bernice gave me about them.. he ended up quite easygoing and stuff. Then finally up against derong, who had all the fun against henry and toh jin AAHHHH.... =X
i win.
cats rule.
prize giving time was the most awkward. okay adelia and rachel have seriously limited vocab. the only thing they could describe about my photos or their photos was 'retarded' uh. O_O okay a bit more vocab please..
but seriously i was feeling very awkward. giving prizes out to the guys wasn't a problem. when it came to the girls.. i was wondering the hell out whether i was suposed to just stand there in that awkward position.. or whether i was supposed to drape my arms around them like i did the guys.. i did for the first few girls' teams that came up. one was the team from SMU. yeah they're pretty much open. Next was our own SP girls. we know each other fine. Next two were the group from (i think PPCC bah...) and RJC.... uh. okay their body language told me they weren't comfy with it so i guess i just stuck with it. BUT ARGH WHY DOES THE STUDENT ADVISOR HAVE TO GIVE OUT PRIZES AAAAHHHH.. =x yanno i felt so damn tense there.....
well, after the whole event was over, we were clearing the rubbish and all. then people were leaving. the grasscutters were total idiots cutting grass and all.. so we had to shout above the drone of the grasscutting machines to talk to each other. so shimin was next to me. So i asked her 'you got meet your secret character anot?', then she gave me that -,- face. Jokingly i said(or really, shouted above the noise) 'shimin why you so scared of toh jin'. of course just teasing her abit. then she stepped aside and toh jin was approaching behind her like just five metres. he heard his name.. OH NO =X lol.
i hope i didn't offend him or anything.
went home and K-Oed on bed. took a few days and a few hours of sleep in the office each day to recover from having had so little sleep. but ah well.
The reversehaven spoke at 12:31 AM
VICTORY!! -part 1
:Monday, February 26, 2007:
First time in history... i won all the national archers. okay well, at least those who took part. Sadly though i didn't win the cash prize cuz i lost one round to toh jin by 4 points. sigh. NO FAIR HE GOT THE TOP TARGET =X
well, it's an achievement anyway. beating guys who were in the national team some time or another. I never expected to be anywhere near the top. maybe say top 10 positions but not further than that.
this competition is the first of it's kind. in that while i am competing i still have to take care of it running. Quite a lot of problems with it but i guess it turned out fine. I was ultimately still frustrated at the bo-chap members of our club which showed absolutely no sense of belonging and totally no commitment.
Well, i was thinking of blogging of the few funny things but i'll need some time to think about it and also to get my mind in order.
i guess i'll blog about the first funny thing today and the rest tomorrow. heh.
well, i was setting up my bow and stuff.. warming up and all... then adelia came running in. Gosh i swear i heard her from a mile away and next moment i heard her say the 'f' word. O_O huh........
then after she talked to lilian, while trying to catch her breath... i realised what actually happened is that some guy at the bus stop (not exactly very near her, but near enough to see) was actually wanking in front of her. She turned away and he said in chinese 'look leh. i don't mind'. O_O wow. like i thought having friends who store condoms in their wallets was bad enough. wanking in public. gosh what has the world come to. She started panicking and then she saw the bus come. she ran up it and then planted herself in the seat. lol.
anyway, she was doing the 'wanking' action(while describing what happened)...guolong and derong were shooting from the board.. heard her and turned to see her doing that action.. they were completely stunned. HAHAAHAAa.... then we were all teasing her the whole day about this :P
okay i'll blog about the rest tomorrow. heh.
The reversehaven spoke at 12:01 AM