:Tuesday, November 15, 2005:
well, i'm blogging in the vain hope that someone else besides Jacinda will read:P but ah well.. whatever..
Well, i've got into the archery school team. They kinda took ages to announce the result, but here it is!!
1st Clement Low
2nd Timothy Tham
3rd Siau Cheng Kun
4th* Amir Syahir
4th* Huang Jieyan
4th* Rayson Ng Yew Suan
* The 4th position is tied with three people. There will be a tie-breaker conducted in this coming training.
1st Chin Yan
2nd Soh Shwa Juan
3rd Lim Kaly
4th Wang Shimin
Well,... I got about 178/300 points for a 40cm face target card at 18m... well, i dono how that sounds.. but 178 is definitely far from being enough to get a 3rd position at the december competition....
hm. i'm kinda interested to know timothy tham's results.. although i know cheng kun got 105... hm. kinda far huh?
well, anyway, just not too long ago before my post, I got assigned my 9 ravens (arrows la duh) and my personal bow. My hand was damn pain during the training cuz it kept getting hit by the bowstring. the armguard wasn't really enough. I was wishing for a longer armguard.. :(
Anyway, just when i started rejoicing when I was assigned arrows with red fletches(whcih I would have called blazing ravens)when the seniors realised that those arrows belonged to another senior who rarely came for practices. So I had to go back change.. and I got black fletches.. well, colour wise, i don't mind it. But it just means I mustn't zip my arrows. as in, miss the board completely (archery lingo). Because if I do, the black fletches will completely camouflage the arrow so nicely that i won't be able to find it :(
Well, back to my life.. i'm kinda living in an almost drunkern state. just dragging myself to school and dragging myself home. I'm wondering if I actually learn anyting there in school...
>>listening to music: Life by Yui (from bleach 5th ending) anyone has 3rd bleach opening (ichirin no hana) please tell meee!!! ..... not like anyone will see this anyway :(
Anyway, i'm living almost like i don't know what's going on, and I end up going home like a routine boring life.. i'm hoping for something to look forward to.. besides the 25th nov urban skate session.. i don't really know what to look forward to. Hopefully i can join the guys at for more skate sessions during my wk8 study break.
Shopping list:
1)new skates
2)new palm
3)samick bow and CF arrows.
Sigh. long shopping list.. crap :( dunwan to think about it.. i'm only halfway there for the first item... teh samick bow and CF arrows will definitely cost up to $1.5k. sigh.
The reversehaven spoke at 10:23 PM