another day at NTU
:Friday, February 23, 2007:
I kinda miss my professor's office. Not that i don't get to use it now, but then it's much more convenient to use the cubicle at the research fellows' room. so that anything i need i can always ask the reaserach fellows who are supposed to assist me.
I'm kinda getting some new workload already. First week was honeymoon. Now i have to search up stuff. Kinda don't feel like i'm in the mood to do anything productive :( well, monday's the 'handup' date.. kind of thing.
Today i'm staying over in school. tomorow's the big day. Either i shoot and beat one of the national archers, or something goes haywire somewhere...GAH IT'S ONLY 18M!!
but the hot RJ chicks are going to be there. :D(horny bastard....)
sigh. so many things on my mind. I'm hoping my limbs come in on time. There again... i still have to pay Mr Tang. haven't even called him to tell him about richard (my malaysian friend) 's limbs.. he wants to purcahse one the same also. =X hope everything turns out fine.
well, i'd best be going back to work.
The reversehaven spoke at 9:57 AM
My annoying cousins.
:Tuesday, February 20, 2007:
I have a bunch of annoying cousins. Okay the oldest is still quite okay. fairly well behaved. I think he was the only one who received discipline (if any at all) from my uncle and aunt.. After that, all hell breaks loose. His two sisters and one younger brother.....are all attention hungry... sigh. i'm wondering how the hell im anage to entertain all of them at once.
Well, it's chinese new year. thankfully i won't get to see much more of them in the future. not too much, at least. perhaps once in CNY and a few more times throughout the year.
i've become very detatched from my family. immediate family... and extended family. Somehow i really don't enjoy the familial ties. at least i still am quite close to my mum. but that's about it. i rarely or never talk to my dad and brother.
i ended up spending half of today shooting. 'zhaoed' from the midst of my annoying cousins... right when they came. thankfully i had an 'appointment' and a good excuse to go. but sometimes i'ts pretty awkward being around relatives that you don't know very well. Like you meet once a year.. 'hey happy new year!' okay. that's it. then maybe you talk about where you're studying.. yada yada.. not much anyway. everything's so fake. The next time you see them next new year.. you barely recognise them anymore!
am i becoming a no-lifer..spending all my free time training.. or is this just me? is it that my family is just meant to be like this... so detatched..?
The reversehaven spoke at 1:12 AM