A piece of paper....
:Friday, July 06, 2007:
Ever wondered how many times you could fold a piece of paper in half before it's too thick to fold? Yeah. Even using large mahjong paper, you can only fold it in half seven times before it's too thick to fold. Screws your mind huh? go give it a try. heh.
Hmm. but if you WERE able to fold paper infinitely, ever wondered how tall a piece of paper could get if you folded it in half fifty times?
Hmm. one inch thick?
one metre?
Ten metres?
Still wrong. Since the paper doubles it's height each time you fold it, by the second fold it's four times as thick. By the seventh fold it's 128 times i'ts original thickness. By the tenth fold it should be 1024 times it's thickness. That would be two reams of new A4 paper. That means that by the 14th fold, it should be 16384 times as thick. That would equate to 32 reams of new A4 paper, which will definitely be about your height. by 50 times, it should be as tall as the eiffel tower. you do the math.
Screws your mind, doesn't it? just one small piece of paper. heh.
Edit. Just got bored so..... decidedd to rant about this lecturer guy around....
We were having our Archery booth at the SP open house. so this moustached guy walked past and started staring with interest. I think he should be a lecturer. Then we engaged in a conversation which made me wonder how many other idiots there are out there in this world.
him:have you all seen the REAL bows and arrows?
me:uhh, Sir, these are real.
him:nono. i mean have you all seen thos REAL bows an arrows? the REAL ones?
me:stares at him quizzically
him:i mean those with (makes a triangular shape at the arrow tips)
me:oh, you mean those with broadheads, those used for hunting?
me:oh we engage in target archery, so we do not use those types of bows and arrows.
him:nono, i mean those real types, Metal types of bows, those two parts joined together type
me:metal, this is metal too *points to james' metal riser, the winstar2*
him: no no, i mean those that you make your own arrows wan. The type with goose feathers and stuff like that. Those are the real bows, need licence to carry around becasue they can kill. I know that because I do alot of archery in the UK(ED:erh.. what do you mean 'a lot of archery in the UK?!' that's poor english. and besides, target archery makes up 70% of the entire archery fraternity, if you count ski archery, hunting, traditional, and yada.)
me: but sir, these can kill too. Though we don't need a licence because they are sporting equipment. Although we are not allowed to show them in public.
him:no no, I know all these becasue I do alot of archery in the UK.
me:erh, well, this is a olympic class setup similar to what an olympic archer will use in the olympics. *points to james' recurve bow again, complete with carbon stabilisers.*
him:singapore has never won the olympics before right?
me:erh no. Singapore isn't in the olympic league yet.
him:ok ok. i'm just trying to tell you about this. I know becasue i'm doing a lot of archery in the UK. *walks off dissatisfied*
whoa... i'm beginning to wonder if my$2k bow setup is now going to be classified as a toy. O_O. Gosh that's quite hillarious isn't it? imagine Mr Simon Fairweather when he won the sydney 2000 gold medal. 'YESSSSSSS (with the bow in the air) I WON THE OLYMPIC GAMESSSSSSS with a toy.'..............
grins. i love making fun of his kind of people. heh heh.
The reversehaven spoke at 12:03 AM
Damned Recturer.....
:Monday, July 02, 2007:
I have a lecturer who thinks he knows everything. Lemme tell you what he told the class today. I think it's something noteworthy that such people should be STONED..
well, we didn't do our tutorials as usual........ then he told us 'You all are doing ROUTE LEARNING'. You don't attempt the tutorials yourself and then you come here to tutorials to copy answers. This is not called learning. My Morning class (he said with a very matter-of-fact tone) only 1 out of 20 students did their tutorials! do you call that learning? no!
----I couldn't resist going 'gosh. if all 20 did their homework, that's STILL not called learning. that's called STUDYING.' .but of course learning isn't possible with people like him. Why? if you ask him a question, he makes you look and feel stupid, but never really answers it in the end.
next. he said 'my daughter scored very good marks in secondary school. Alright. (he always says that, or 'Good. ok. ok. good good.' while nodding his head with that silly pursed face.) then she showed it to the principal and the principal said 'did you go for tuition?' she said yes. then the principal threw her results on the floor and said 'this is not your results. this is your tuition teacher's resuls. because he/she helped you to get it. you did not Learn anything. All you are doing is Route Learning.'
---Couldn't resist strike two. 'it's cuz of teachers like you that we need tuition, thank you.'. Hm. there again, tuition teacher = route learning? that's a sweeping statement. I've had tuition teachers who have outdone my curriculum teachers. Maybe that's a big loophole in the education system.
Then he went on... 'i went to visit my daughter in AUST, then i met three of your seniors from SP. They told me they were spoonfed and are suffering now' (i'm paraphrasing his poorly phrased english.)
---Strike three 'now we're not being taught ANYTHING and expected to know EVERYTHING and being graded for it. that should be called spoonfeeding, thank you.'
Gosh I seriously can't wait to the end of the semester. He'll DIE by the time the feedbacks come. It's a pity they only allow 300 characters for comments. Otherwise i'll post an entire essay to express my dissatisfaction of him.
what's wrong with people like him? simple.
Rule number 1) never ask him any questions. Why? he'll bring you around the world and never answer your question. I learnt that the first time in thermo practical. Thanks to him I never got the calculations done, and he chased us out of the lab half an hour before the lesson was to end.
Rule number 2)If you don't know, give him a blank stare. Why? if you tell him you weren't taught what he just said (in year 1 or year 2) he'll go one big round and threaten to ask our year 1 and 2 lecturers. But of course, he'll make himself look good there and make you feel like shit, and never really ask your year 1-2 lecturers to find out the truth anyway.
We just showed him the progress of our project for PME. Gosh... he kept criticising the thing till we showed him the next slide.
The project was on safety and stuff in labs and workshops. We showed him the first slide, where this guy was wearing the wrong stuff. Had berms, slippers, stuff hanging on his neck, yada. He was like 'ok good. good ok. ok ok. good.' Then next, he started criticising it before we could show him the next slide. He was like 'you show the wrong one you must also show the correct one (he means wearing lab coat, wearing covered foot wear....etc).we were like 'SIR... WAIT... it's in the next slide' Then before we could change slide he criticised again 'you have to show the machine parts(and started babbling on again) then we went like 'sir waaaaaiittttt it's in the NEXT slides.'
man. i'm passionately against such people. If one day God and the law were asleep, these people better make sure they move fast. i'm itching for some moving targets.
The reversehaven spoke at 11:24 PM